Predicate: {inoHakam

Roleset id: 01 , to be judged (with عليه)

        Arg1: entity judged
        Arg2: judgment
        Arg3: why, the reason


انحكم على  المجرم بالسجن لقتل الضحية

        Arg1 : المجرم
        Gloss: the criminal
        Arg2 : بالسجن
        Gloss: to go to jail
        Arg3 : لقتل الضحية
        Gloss: because he killed the victim

Roleset id: 02 , to be controlled

        Arg1: entity controlled
        Arg2: how , instrument


انحكمت الدولة بالسلاح

        Arg1 : الدولة
        Gloss: the country
        Arg2 : بالسلاح
        Gloss: with weapons